Thursday, May 28, 2020

CHAOS Theory of Fitness Training Mythology and Ideology

CHAOS Theory of Fitness Training Mythology
                   Created 2009- Established 2013, 
         by Matthew James Glasper whose pseudonym is "CHAOS"; Master Fitness Trainer CHAOS

Youth Fitness (Learning and or remembering component)

High Impact Parents vs Low Impact Parents 
Low impact Parents bring a kid to every meet/game, make sure their kids compete in activities
  • may go as far as to get a trainer but not to work on outside of issues of development on Their OWN
High Impact Parents, watch what their kids are not good at and make them go home and practice it; rather it is getting knees up or performing stretching drills
  • always have a trainer for kids even if it is themselves and stay to watch training
  • Always setting life schedule around kids training and events
               Parenting, Coaching, and Training

To eliminate OVER parenting, coaching, and training, DO NOT FORGET TO HAVE FUN! However, a firm presence is needed as well. It takes a village! That whole idea is the basis of my training mythology “CHAOS Theory of Fitness Training Mythology “; It makes you even enjoy it more cause you are seeing your child’s growth. 
Fitness Formulas/Equation: 
  • Explosiveness x Functionality x Strength = Power 
  • Education x Fitness = Life
  • Play = Fitness ; Child’s Play = Adult Fitness
  • Consistent Repetition x Natural Progression = Natural Improvement (Improvement) 
They should not be separate. "College Education" is a business and if it can be avoided or paid for then it should but ONLY through grants and scholarships or no college and starting your OWN business. (Mindset)
We enjoy fitness as they enjoy playing but they are one of the same, your priority simply has changed.
Primary Equation 
  • Functionality x mobility= Extreme Core Stability
                                      Create Competition, You Create fun
  When kids are competing, forget their training and work harder within their training to win this making them stronger, better, and happy to train; forgetting that they’re training and start playing. By nature, these same methods work with adults. We are competitors by nature. 
                        "Blackbelt Mentality"
State of mind
Who do you like as an idol? 
Who do you want to be like?

    Teach kids to idle people they personally know like YOU! By giving something to idolize you for. You may like a person for their talents but if you lived with that person you may hate their personality so publicly saying you want to be like a person it covers a wide range of things you are agreeing to. 
    Example: I like this athlete but I want to be like my dad or mom. Cause they support me and at all my events and I want my kids to look at me as their inspiration or motivation like I look at my mom or dad or I do not want to even be like myself because this is not the best me I can be. I still got a lot of growing up to do, I’m going to get better at everything I’m doing right now so I ONLY inspire to be the best version of myself, so the person coming behind me would have me at their best to shoot for... I owe it to them. My dad said I owe him nothing because I earned everything I have gotten so I at least owe it to them that comes after me to set my records n accomplishments high so when they beat them they know they beat the best me.
“I am my ONLY competition...”

                                                               Perfect Form
    The perfect form is a combination between the perform form and the way your body type or make; the way you’re built, how strong you are, how fat you are, how slow you are, how tall or small you are. Just like no student learns the same, all athletes don’t train the same, and chemical balance and genetic makeup isn’t the same. 
Formwork- Form will save you when endurance fails you.
                                  Improper Lunges or running mechanics:
    Have athletes do lunges and over exaggerate the arm movements do the mind and body learn to see them as correct, sequencing (sync) them together.

                                                             Locking out your joints
      Martial artist, bench presses, athletic over-usage, joggers knee, or being OVERWEIGHT can have the same issue. How do I know? As a 3rd Degree Blackbelt and son of Matthew James Glasper Sr. I know from issues I started to notice in grandmasters; hip replacements, and tendonitis in the knees and elbows. How do I know about the workout issues being the same in bench pressing, deadlifting, and squatting? I know was issues I watched develop in friends while experiencing my own. I currently hold 4 records in powerlifting in squatting, deadlifting, benching, and in total number accumulated. I have broken a record every time since the first time I have stepped on the platform. I was the army's middleweight bodybuilding rep for two years which is where I watch friends running 4 miles a day over my four years career and my stepdad (Len Jackson) 36 years. All with knee issues. I held the record for the most push-up in the military with 115 in 2 mins. I trained with many tryouts for the NFL picked up by Falcons only to be released. However, all of this added to my logic and helped make my beliefs a theory worth exploring. Last overweight, no I have never been. But in the arenas, I operated many were overweighted or overweight for what they were trying to accomplish causing them to have to lose weight or causing them to find themselves confined to a chair because they did and being overwhelmed with knee pains just like runners knees, lifters joints, martial artist joints, etc. 
NEVER LOCKOUT! (Causes Tendernitus) Locking out is a cross between almost completely extending joints without locking out and maintaining muscle activation. 
      When locking joint out overtime will develop tinnitus, runners knee, jumpers knee (basketball), powerlifters bad joints, knees, and hip replacements (martial artists), (baseball players) elbow replacements.
    So jumpers should land with their knees bent and lifters should give the perception of locking out while maintaining muscle activation which is the entire point of lifting, to begin with. 
  • Because we as humans limit our own success we apply those same limitations to age and gender and then we force them on our kids. Our kids just left Heaven with no limitations to getting to you for you to restrict their abilities with what you assume they can’t do. You are the problem.
Mental and Physical Connectivity’s 
  • There is a disconnect in our physical makeup to our mental being which is a direct link to our six senses makeup or spiritual being which has no limits as it is connected to the "MOST HIGH" or ETERNAL ENERGY IN EARTH; considering your beliefs.
  • Within your physical training, there should also be some sort of remembering or thinking process.
  • While training seniors I noticed that for hand and eye coordination playing the game SORRY made them also more noticeable alert.
  • Within your academics have your child execute some sort of physical activity, oxidized muscles help with athletes performance but the brain is the most complex muscles we use so it is only common sense that it should only improve the brain function as well.
  • Helping with remembering
  • Performance under pressure 
  • Calming testing anxieties
  • Coping mechanism 
  • Increase quickness in response to questions 
  • Increase recovering or recalling information 
  • Etc

Big brother King Altaveon doing his site words 2016 and throwing football:

Transitional Weight/Resistance or Speed
  • Suicides 
  • Running Stadiums/ Stairs
  • L-Drills
  • Shuttle Run
  • W- Drill
  • Being able to change directions while maintaining speed or being able to change direction slowing down and once redirected hit top speed very fast.

Coaches of fans may say “athlete has a second gear”

Education and Fitness are Equal: (E = F) as to Studying is equal to Practice: (S = P)
While training an athlete is thinking, adding more thinking to this process only strengthens the athlete's mind-muscle, adding education in there only enhances what you want them to be educated in. And that isn’t limited to wanting them to box out, to catching and tucking the balk before you run or remembering the states and their capitals. Mix an athlete (ALL OF US) field of play (athleticism or something they like) with something they are less fun of, will help them retain it at a greater speed than by itself. I learned this while a kid. 
                                      First Testimony (True Story):
While in class a friend of mines was dumb as rocks. I only made “A’s” in math and he only made F’s in all subjects. On the football field, he was a monster. Able to read the offense not just through knowing ALL the formations but almost like a six sense. He knew body language of how each player was set-up, to give him an obvious answer to where the ball was going. How linemen weren’t putting weight on hand to how the quarterback was leaning or feet slightly turned to the running backspacing and or how many times they looked one way. Simply amazing. But too dumb to past a math test. That is when I realized being dumb does not exist and being a dumb jock is a myth that was created through the lack of interest to learn. 
                                    Second Testimony (True Story):
      I go by the pool where they were rolling dice and same teammates are rolling dice and since I knew nothing about this “sport” I was trying to just call point and win off someone else rolling but he was rolling and picking up the dice so fast and laughing at me saying you got to call your point. I said, “shit I didn’t see my point”. As a kid, I was considered a mathematician and was offered a math scholarship and I could not count as fast as the dumb jock in the classroom. This is what helps me realize it’s about applying yourself and also as a parent not letting your child decide when and where they will apply themselves.

Workouts to Preview:
  • Do K-Band videos workout:
  • K-Bands Stairs workout
  • K-Bands Stadium Workout
  • Planking Series 
  • Squats immediately at the end of a workout 
  • Explosive Movements
  • explosive medicine ball throws
  • explosive kettle-bell hops
       Being able to manage your weight while running is much easier when you have trained and conditioned your legs to be able to handle a greater weight while running. Your legs stabilization muscles go through a sort of trauma on every step and speed is managed in the ability to recover or maintain itself within the chaos of the running or activity without losing or losing less speed to the impact itself; thus maintaining speed.
  • Explosive core slides 
  • Slides workout:
  • push-up slides
  • Planking slides
Planking slides straight legs
Planking slide mountain climbers 
  • Alternating 
  • Legs together 
  • Alternating legs together 
Lunges Slide series:
  • Lunges slide
  • Lunges slide front leg
  • Lunges slide back leg
Progression in Balance/Health/Spirituality (Mind/Hand-Eye-Coordination)-
Because each person is different, there is no order to a particular focus since every person would be training towards their weakness making them 
This process should not ever be rushed because this will be the basis of their fitness for the rest of their life.

Consistent Repetition x Natural Progression = Comfortable Improvement  (Improvement)
  • The natural process of getting better mathematically through time.
CHAOS Theory of Fitness Training Mythology: For something that looks out of order, to mathematically bring forth the order of one singular event or outcome.
  The use of the word "CHAOS" is to identify the fact that all actions positive or negatively are random in mathematical order. My intent in my training is to make this process positive in nature while at the same time, less random. No one person learns the same way, walks the same, have the same interest, etc. Some are physical, visual, or in between swaying more towards one way more so than the other. 
The way we combat this issue is to give the student-athlete both at the same time (academics and fitness or mental, and physical), not considering which they prefer but repetition being the most important, so the one they prefer would be repeated no matter which one it is causing them repeated pleasure and associated memory of the less preferred to be that physical, mental or visual. 

                                         Chaos Theory of Fitness, Training Mythology 

                                                  “I am my ONLY competition...”


Fitness Bio / Resume 
    •    Functional Coach
    •    Core Specialist
    •    Strength Specialist
    •    Fast Twitch Muscle Specialist
    •    Rehabilitation Theory
    •    Stretching (Ecstatic) Therapy

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    •    Ignite360 Certification (IMG/Under Armor)
    •    Senior Citizen Certified Trainer
    •    Aquatic Aerobics Instructor
    •    Stretching Certified
    •    Static Stretching
    •    Lay Coach Certified
    *    College Coach, Strength Specialist, and Rehabilitation Theory
    •    Football
    •    Track and Field
    •    Baseball
    •    Tennis
    •    Wrestling
    •    Golf
    •    Gymnastics
    •    Cheerleader
    •    Volleyball
    •    Concussion Certified
    •    USATF Coach Certified
  • Background Check Passed
    •    AAU Coach Certified
  • Background Check passed 

    •    3rd Degree Black Belt (Taekwondo Primary, MMA)
Drug-Free Powerlifting ONLY
    •    USPA Powerlifting Member
    •    USPA State Record holder
    •    Bench Press Record
    •    Deadlift Record
    •    Squat Record
    •    Total Numbers Record
    •    APC Powerlifting Member
    •    APC National Records AND Bench Press Record
    •    WNPF Powerlifting Member and Regional State Record Holder
    •    Squats
    •    Deadlift
    •    Total Number Record
    •    USPL Powerlifting Member
    •    National Meet 5th Place
    •    Army Middleweight Bodybuilding Rep

Chaosakac Glasper's photo.

Army Middleweight Bodybuilding Rep (Photo Mexico) 

Chaosakac Glasper's photo.

Signed Record deal with management under Akon and put out #1 Mixtape in Atlanta My G.A.T.s in 2007. 
Had a problem with breaking out because of his similarities with Tupac. Although his style was his own, unfortunately, there's nothing good about being second. 

Chaosakac Glasper's photo.


CHAOS leg Press (Strength Specialist)

Trained Cam Newton upon entering the NFL;  
                     (Cam in my old gym, coming from the front desk.)

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Related Accomplishments:   
I trained Christian Coleman since he was as young as my boys now until he got to college. It is amazing to see the business that he has to develop into and be able to tell my own boys if you buy into the life and hard work, you could be working for yourself and be more stimulating to the economy than a stimulus package. 

     Former Member of Atlanta Falcons (scout team), Creator of CHAOS Theory of Fitness Training mythology, Owner of Iron Fitness, LLC, trainer to Pro athletes: Cam Newton, Reginald Auston of the Chicago Bears, Chigbo Anunoby of NFL, Dorsey Levens of NFL, Arnold Harrison (two times Super Bowl Champion), Christian Coleman (USA Track Fastest Man and 6-time Indoor record-breaker in the 60-meter dash), Bria Matthews of Georgia Tech (Long Jump and Triple jump and Olympic Qualifier), Eric Swainey of Old Miss Track, Lester Miller of Mississippi State Track,  Ahmad Carroll aka Batman of NFL, Adam “Pacman” Jones of NFL, etc. Consultant with college on the progression of potential recruits, Consultant with athletes doctors and progression and training report builder; Speaker at Coaching Clinic Q and A, Head Trainer at Augusta Distinguish Gentlemen Academy Football Camp, Fitness Model, Lead Speaker at Coaching Clinic, Certified: Emotional and Physical Misconduct, Safe sports Trained, CPR and AED, Doubled-Goal Coach, son of Grand Master Matthew James Glasper Sr who holds the kicking record of 100 kicks in 15 seconds and single one thumb pushups, etc

CHAOS The Trainer middle son got Bryson did 1012 pushups and Only stopped because dad got tired of watching. Later Bryson did 1828 pushups and only stopped then because dad made him. 

Other Accomplishments:
Published Author of “Mental Graffiti” (poetry)

Author of “Active Kids Have The Most Fun” (Children’s book), 5th Place USPL powerlifting national place
-Active Threat Recognition and Response
-Active Shooter Incident Response Training
-Active Shooter for NTP

"Master Fitness Trainer CHAOS" does Q and A coaches at NFL sponsored camps:

Guess Speaker at Emory University
(Program for Gifted Youths)

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Behavior Detection & Analysis Program (BDA)
-(BAT) Behavior Awareness Training 
    •1 Behavior Awareness Training Overview 
    •2 Behavior Awareness and Environment Baseline
    •3 Identifying Suspicious Behavior
    •4 Articulating Suspicious Behavior 

-Preventing Workplace Violence 
-Conflict Resolution Certified
-Insider Threat Awareness 

   Offered a job with the FBI and while serving his country because of his fitness scores as well as unique martial arts background, CHAOS was recommended for Special Forces but turned down both. He even held the record for the most pushups done in the entire Army in town minutes. CHAOS said they actually did not count 5 of his push-ups because they were not up to standards but it did not stop him from breaking the original record.
"All I want to do is be a father..."
                                                        "I am my ONLY competition..."

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