Studies shows that diabetes is passed on 3% from heredity and 33% from how you live, eat. As a trainer I have had many people down me because of how I train my kids and I have had those same exact people pull aside and ask me to train their kids and give them a polite "Hell no." I have had a doctor ask me bout me training my son, praise him for all of his medals then say maybe I am training him to hard. In the mist of the same conversation she tells me that her son is obese. Why is that ok? Why is not child abuse? Why
Mekhi ask to train, should I say no? No, I am going to nourisher that drive and make sure he remember me supporting him. As a parent, you should consider yourself drafted or chosen by GOD. What more do you want. Cause all they want is time, and that create memories.
"Let your child be great; help your child be GREATER."
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